Rodeo Kickoff Celebration
Friday, July 23rd, 2010 at the Sublimity Harvest Festival Grounds.
Our kickoff party is the last chance for the volunteers and sponsors to gather
for an evening of fun before the real work starts. Each year the kickoff has been a little different
but it has always been an evening of relaxed socializing. It’s a great opportunity to come
have something to eat and drink while getting to meet all of the people responsible for the upcoming
rodeo. The kickoff takes place under the BIG tent at the rodeo grounds.
This year there will be live music with Coyote Creek,
partnered by Monte’s Coins.
There will be a Silent Auction with great items to bid on. In memory of our beloved Stampede Board
member and local artist Bob Hartmann, we will be holding an art show featuring his works. When you
purchase your pre-sale ticket to the Kick-Off, cost $10.00 it includes Hors D’ oeuvres, or new
this year you can purchase at-door tickets for $5.00 which do not include Hors D’ oeuvres.
Mutton Busting
Partner “Stayton Cooperative Telephone Company”

The event has become a crowd and family favorite at the Stampede. Over the years,
brothers and sisters have grown full of experience and wisdom on the best technique for riding the
sheep. Most of the contestants for this event have out grown the size and age limit to ride, by the
time they become “pros.” (The size is 60lbs and age is six years.) They then become the
“old timers” and like any good cowboy, they are there to lend a hand to the
“young guns” by sharing the tricks of the trade! They will help them put on their
protective gear, show them the best spot to hold the rope, and then tell them to hold on for the
ride of their lives!
Mutton Bustin’ pairs sheep and young riders, in an event that mimics
riding bulls and bareback broncs. Contestants are fitted with protective gear and placed on the
backs of full-grown sheep. Then comes the fun part, they nose and bear down, hoping to win their
first buckle. Each contestant walks away feeling they have won because they are given a tee shirt
from the Mutton Busting partner Stayton Cooperative Telephone Company.
OJBRA - Jr. Bull Riding
Partner “Wilco Farm Stores”

“OJBRA” is known as “Oregon Junior Bull Riders” a chapter
of the National Association. Youth from age 4-19 are able to compete with the chance to go to finals
in Shawnee, Oklahoma. The kids work hard, and commit to hours of practice time, with the thought of
one day competing on the professional level. All this is found in an atmosphere that promotes
positive attitude and family values.
Jr Bull Riding is like bull riding at any level. It is an exciting event to watch.
Each contestant is trying to ride for eight seconds, to earn a score that is based on a possible
perfect score of 100; half from the contestant’s efforts and the other half from the
Justin Homan & Metal Mulisha

The Stampede is excited to have Justin back at the Stampede. He has become a
crowd favorite over the years. He will be bringing his flips, jumps, and thrills to add to all the
fun and excitement at the Stampede.
Justin is an O.G. of Freestyle Motocross, one of only a handful of the FMX
founders still in mix. A finalist in several Summer X, Winter X, and the Gravity Games. One of the
first 10 riders in the world to complete the back flip in competition. Innovator of the Holyman,
earning first place in the Nashville X-Games Big Air category.
This is a weekend hobby for Homan who is a University of Washington graduate,
placing in the top 5% of the School of Business class at UW. Residing in Redmond, Oregon Homan holds
down the corporate lifestyle as G.M. for the market leader Ameri-Title Inc. Suit and tie on the
weekdays, Metal Mulisha spikes and a beanie by weekend.
Homan has been paralyzed, shattered both heels, and taken several knocks to the
skull. Not to mention he opened his chest up at the Stampede. Nothing has stopped his love to ride
and love to prove people wrong when they say he can’t do something. For years now Homan has
ranked as a top 10 rider in the world.