Colonel Franklin Dale Shelton
Commander 9th SRW - February 1979 to July 1980
Colonel Shelton was born on August 1, 1934 in Westfield, North Carolina. He received a bachelors degree from Chapman college in Orange, California and earned a masters degree in public administration from Auburn University in Alabama.

Colonel Shelton entered the Air Force Aviation Cadet program in 1954. He attended flight school at Spence Air Base in Moultrie, Georgia and was a distinguished graduate from flying training at Bryan Air Force Base, Texas in 1955. His first assignment was to the Strategic Air Command in RB-47's at Lockbourne Air Force Base, Ohio. he flew many deployments to England, North Africa, and other places during his six-year tour at Lockbourne.

In 1961 Colonel Shelton was selected to attend Squadron Officer's School and the B-58 program at Carswell Air Force Base, Texas. He became and instructor pilot and moved with the wing to Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas in 1964.

He joined the SR-71 crew force in January 1966 at Beale AFB and remained as a Pilot/Instructor until August 1969 when he left to attend the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Virginia.

After training, Colonel Shelton reported to Da Nang Air Base, Vietnam in April 1970 as a Forward Air Controller/Air Liaison Officer providing close air support for all units in the Da Nang area. He flew 200 sorties and over 400 hours in the O-1, O-2, and OV-10 aircraft during this tour. He later became the Chief of Operations Plans in the 504th Tactical Air Command Air Support Group in Cam Ranh Bay and returned to Beale AFB as the Chief of Quality Control in May 1971. He became the Commander of the 9th Organizational Maintenance Squadron in 1972 and departed Beale for Air War College in 1973.

Colonel Shelton was a distinguished graduate from the Air War College and was assigned to the Pentagon as SR-71 Program Manager and later as Deputy Chief of Special Projects Division. In 1976 he was selected as executive assistant to Lieutenant General Hails, Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics, Headquarters, USAF. he was assigned to Tinker Air Force Base in August 1977 as Chief of the Aircraft Division. He assumed the duties of Vice Commander of the 9th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing at Beale AFB, California in August 1978 until he accepted Command of the Wing in 1979. Colonel Shelton was then assigned to Director, Aeronautical Requirements, Headquarters, SAC.

Colonel Shelton is a command pilot with 4,600 hours flying time. His decorations include the Legion of Merit; Distinguished Flying Cross with one oak leaf cluster; Meritorious Service Medal; Air Medal with nine oak leaf clusters and Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with palm and service star.

Colonel Shelton is married to the former Joanetta V. Calborn of Columbus, Ohio. They have three children: Dale F., Joanna and Susanne.