Blue Dun
Blue Dun
RWFF Blue Dun
- Hook: Dry Fly 12-18
- Thread: Gray
- Tail: Blue Dun Hackle Fibers
- Body: Muscrat Dubbing
- Wing: Natural Gray Duck Quill
- Hackle: Medium Dun
In Britain this pattern is used to imitate the Iron Blue Dun. This fly is found throughout the British isles and is
known by various different names such as Dark Watchet, Little Purple, Iron Blue Drake, Little Dark Blue or Little Dark Blue.
The strange thing about this fly is that it undergoes a second moult in its winged stage and therefore a slight color and
shape change during its life span. The dun is a poor flyer after it emerges. It is vulnerable to fish and birds so it normally
rests for several hours or if the temperatures are low, over night on riverbank vegetation, shrubs or trees. When you are walking
the riverbank it is always a good idea to turn over leaves and look in spiders webs to see what has been hatching.