Simple-Sat Relay Sensing Break Lockout


Auto-Mate Version 3.0d Revision 031498. (C)1998 John L. Zolkoske

Purpose: To block out relay input sensing during local breaks.

Some satellite networks latch their relays coming from the satellite receiver for the entire duration of each break. The Auto-Mate was initially designed to accept only momentary contact closures. If the network latches the relay for the entire break, and the local affiliate does not cover the entire length of each commercial break with spot material, the Auto-Mate would continue to trigger local breaks until the break latch was released This version incorporates a break relay 'lockout' feature which will prevent the system from triggering extra breaks when the network break closure remains latched.

The two modified files are RELYSATL.EXE and PLAYSAT.EXE.

How to Install:

Use the provided install disks - overwrite all previous existing .EXE files.

NOTE: Please destroy all previously sent disks. Auto-Mate version 3.0d incorporates all previous revisions and upgrades.

How to Use:

The user must determine the length of the LONGEST break to be covered on the broadcast clock of the network. For example, a typical network may have a three minute break here or there, and a 2.5 minute break, as well as a 3.5 minute break.

Let's say your longest break during the day will be four minutes (240 seconds). This is the longest potential length of time the network will keep the break relay latched. You will enter this length into a utility screen. When in satellite playback mode, the Auto-Mate will lock out additional break relays from being received for this exact length of time everytime another break relay is sensed.

It is important to be rather precise. The lockout length you enter should be long enough to cover the longest break of the day, but not so long that legitimate break closures might be missed.

NOTE: Break lockout will prevent the system from seeing the break input relays always for the same number of seconds specified. For example, even if an upcoming break is only scheduled to run 2.5 minutes (150 seconds), if your lockout time is set at 240 seconds, the break relays will be locked out for the full 240 seconds. All networks maintain suitable distance between break triggers, so that even if your longest break is four minutes, and another is only 2.5 minutes, this should not present any problem.

Here's how to set up your system for break relay lockout function:

1. Enter Utillities <F9> from the Main Menu.
2. Select <F9> Set Relay Card Operations.
3. Select <F2> Satellite Playback Relay Controls.
4. From within this screen, press the down arrow until # 10 is highlighted.
5. Change #10: 'Break Relay Input Sensing Lockout' to ON with the left or right arrow.
6. Toggle down to #11, Break Relay Input Lockout Length 4-600 seconds.
7. Use the left or right arrow to select the number of seconds in the longest break of the day.
We suggest adding 5 seconds to the length just as an assurance that a trigger won't happen if timings are off slightly. Use the guide that appears to convert minutes to seconds.
8. Press <F1> and answer <y> to save the file.

Now, just go into Satellite Playback Mode as usual.

While in Satellite Playback Mode:

When a break is triggered, and the feature is turned on, you will see the remaining seconds before lockout ends at the bottom of the screen. If you ignored the break (no spot material), you should see this indicator for the duration of the entire break. If your break was just a little short, you may still see an indicator, but it may only be on-screen for a second or two.

You may check the status, ON/OFF and LENGTH, of lockout by pressing the <Space Bar> and cycling through the settings boxes until seeing the second window titled 'Input Relay Settings'

NOTE: The lockout feature does not prevent playback of liners, legal i.d.s, or the initiation of a manual break.

- End of Auto-Mate Version 3.0 Revision 031498 Documentation -