Satellite Template Repeating
Problem: User reports daily template repeating over and over, not loading a new day's template. User comes in each morning to find yesterday's template playing.
Background Scenario:
Customer has breakfig turned on.
Problem has happened twice in last two days. Hasn't happened before.
The data file Breakfig.exe uses (Storesat.dta) saves from within Playsat at the following times:
- When a break file plays
- When a new day is loaded
Here are the only way I can see the same day can play over again:
- Hard Drive is completely full and the data file that tells breakfig what day is upcoming can't be written to any more (unlikely)
Solution: Check hard drive space on C drive by typing CHKDSK from a C: prompt.
Possible Scenario #1:
- System is playing (let's say) Monday. It is near the last break of the day. Then, power is lost. Power doesn't come back until after midnight. The file still sees Monday as the last used template. It then loads Monday and breakfig sets it to pick-up on the proper break (but for the wrong day).
How to check this: If the last break of Monday played (according to the verification log) at the appropriate time, Tuesday should have loaded (unless the power was lost while the last spot of the day was playing). Then, if power was lost while the Tuesday template was loaded, it would have come back with the Tuesday template when power came back. You won't be able to check it if the last break of the day had no spots in it.
Solution: None, except user would have to install an uninterruptible power supply. No fix planned, as this scenario is seen as very rare.
Possible Scenario #2 (Most Likely):
User has last break of day at 11:48 PM
Break Re-config is at 00:05
First break of new day is at 12:12 AM
Upcoming break got off by ONE. The system was still waiting to play the 11:48 PM break for the previous day at 00:05 when the breakfig program ran. Automatic Break Correction (Breakfig) then ran at 00:05 and re-configured the system to go to the closest upcoming break, which is the 00:12 break - but for the previous day.
If this has happened more than one day in a row, the user probably has one or two too many breaks for the day.
RECOMMENDED! Possible Solution #1: Make sure the precise number of breaks the network will be taking are in the system for the day. Check verification logs to see if proper break is playing in the last break of the day. If there are no spots in the break, add a break just as a control mechanism to see if it is playing at the proper time.
RECOMMENDED! Possible Solution #2: Move the automatic break correction to a later time in the hour. Preferebly after 30 minutes after the hour. That way, even if the breaks are off by one or two - it will still have gotten to switch to the new day before the auto break correct runs.
Possible Solution #3: Turn off automatic break correct - though this shouldn't be necessary if solution #2 is followed.